10.4 acre Mentakab (near Starmall) Coconut Land For Sale
Title: 10.4 acres / 10 acres 1 road 22 poles
Freehold & Agricultural title
near to Starmall, Mentakab
Currently majority planting is coconut trees (750) aged 6 yrs &
MK durian trees (20+) aged 2-3 yrs
Mixed others fruit trees Kasturi (1200+), Limau (400+), Master Japanese (10+)
Approx 1.0km from main road & easy access by 4wd cars
Topography 2:8
Installed TNB electric & water supply
RM 355,770 per acre x 10.4 acre
Total Selling Price: RM 3,700,000.00
Welcome serious buyer!
PM 011-651 44931 (Irene)
PM 011-63044931 (Nancy)
Welcome owner listing, if you have property to sell or rent.
Address: 3°27'59.6"N 102°20'03.5"E
City: Mentakab
State/County: Pahang
Country: Malaysia
Open In Google Maps
Property Id : 22925
Price: RM 3,700,000 acre
Geolocation Lat: 25.68654
Total Price: RM 3,700,000
Geolocation Long: '-80.431345
Second Price: 355770
Property ID: 106150440
Size Postfix: acres
Total Acres: 10.4
Title Type: Freehold
Property Type: Agricultural