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4.544 acres Karak Kolej Komuniti Bentong Matured Durian Land For Sale

RM 360,000 per acre
RM 1,635,840


4.544 acres Karak Kolej Komuniti Bentong Matured Durian Land For Sale

4 acres 2 road 7 poles / 4.544 acres
Freehold & Agricultural title
Kolej Komuniti Bentong, Karak areas, District Bentong
Approx 166 durian trees,
-Black thorn & MK (6 years) (36 trees)
-Others branded durian trees (130 trees) aged 20 years or above, Inclusive Musang King (20) , D24 (20 trees) & Kg Durian (90 trees)
Approx 1 km drive distance from main road
Landscape:Slightly slanting 15%, ponds, stream
1 worker house, 1 rest house

RM 360,000 per acre x 4.544 acres
Total Selling Price: RM 1,635,840

📲 011-651 44931 ( Irene )

📲 011-630 44931 ( Nancie )

Welcome owner listing, if you have property to sell or rent.

Disclaimer: The information of the property contained herein is strictly for reference only and provided by sellers. The agent shall not be held liable for any inaccurate information posted here.

Address: 3°27'34.9"N 102°03'29.7"E
Country: Malaysia
Open In Google Maps
Property Id : 26012
Price: RM 1,635,840
Price Info: RM 360,000 per acre
Total Price: RM 1,635,840
Second Price: 360000
Property ID: 107692457
Total Acres: 4.544
Title Type: Freehold
Property Type: Agricultural

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